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Quality Action is the EU co-funded ‘Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention’ involving 45 partner organisations from 26 Member States, which started on 1 March 2013.

Quality Action promotes practical tools and materials to maximise the quality of HIV prevention projects and programmes. Five practical quality improvement tools are ready, available and translated into a range of European languages. Quality Action has trained more than 400 quality improvement trainers and facilitators from 25 different European countries. More than 80 practical applications of the tools have been carried out and documented in case studies.

Quality Action has developed a policy kit which offers policy makers the rationale and concrete actions for integrating quality improvement into HIV prevention policies, strategies and action plans. The ‘Charter for Quality in HIV Prevention’ summarises quality principles, criteria and key activities to put quality improvement into practice and offer practitioners, experts, policy makers and all other stakeholders the opportunity to commit to improving their work in HIV prevention.


The Charter for Quality in HIV Prevention

Committing to key principles and criteria for improving quality

The Charter states the principles and criteria for quality in HIV prevention and calls on stakeholders to support and apply quality improvement. Not only must approaches, interventions and methods for HIV prevention be appropriate to the situation they address, they must be carried out at a high level of quality to maximise effectiveness.

You can download the Charter here

This Charter was created by the representatives of Quality Action. You can support it by becoming a signatory as an organisation or as an individual.

Sign the Charter here

The Quality Action policy kit

The Quality Action policy kit

Facts and recommendations for advocates and policy advisers

This policy kit has been developed for public health officials and advocates involved in policy and programming for HIV prevention and related public health challenges.

The kit contains various documents that illustrate how to systematically integrate quality improvement into HIV prevention policies and programmes, and it offers justifications and concrete actions for integrating it into HIV prevention policies, strategies and action plans.

Download the Policy Kit here

Download the Core Package here

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Committing to key principles and criteria for improving quality

The Charter states the principles and criteria for quality in HIV prevention and calls on stakeholders to support and apply quality improvement. Not only must approaches, interventions and methods for HIV prevention be appropriate to the situation they address, they must be carried out at a high level of quality to maximise effectiveness.

You can download the Charter here

This Charter was created by the representatives of Quality Action. You can support it by becoming a signatory as an organisation or as an individual.

Sign the Charter here


Videos and presentations from the Quality Action Conference 2016 available now!

The event provided the opportunity to take stock of the latest developments in improving quality in HIV prevention. Key results and practical experience gained during Quality Action were discussed and presented in interactive formats. Highlights of the conference were the launch of a new Charter for Quality in HIV Prevention as well as the presentation of the project’s Policy Kit with policy statements and strategic actions to support quality improvement in HIV prevention at the national and regional levels. Furthermore, the conference provided opportunities to learn more about the concepts and tools of Quality Action.

Click here for more details.


Dr Heidrun Thaiss
Director of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), for the Quality Action website

I am honoured that the task of coordinating Quality Action, the key initiative on quality improvement in HIV prevention in Europe, has been entrusted to the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). I encourage all of you to use the opportunity that Quality Action presents to engage with it as fully as you can and to be open to learning from each other.

Dirk Pyck
Executive director, Sensoa (Belgium)

Quality Action offers a great opportunity to upscale our efforts to ensure good quality sexual health interventions.

Tamara Poljicanin
Director Croatian National Institute of Public Health

Quality improvement is of key importance for public health prevention programmes and will contribute to the successful control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Chris Lambrechts
Executive director, Sensoa (Belgium)

Sensoa attaches great importance to the quality of the sexual health interventions. Moreover, our Health Ministry expects us to deliver effective interventions to improve sexual health in Flanders.

Wolfgang Götz
Director EMCDDA

HIV prevention is a crucial element in limiting the spread of infection. While considerable progress in this area has been made, more can be done and EMCDDA therefore welcomes this important project.

Silke Klumb
CEO Deutsche AIDS Hilfe

This project is a great chance to foster the exchange between NGOs and GOs on the topic of Quality improvement. We need sustainable solutions for all that keep human rights as the guiding principle.

Ines Perea
German Ministry of Health

Quality Action provides a unique opportunity to maximise the effectiveness of our HIV prevention efforts, especially by enhancing the quality of our strategies and action plans across Europe.

Alexandra Žampachová
Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic

This project is of great importance for improving the quality of HIV/AIDS prevention in the Slovak Republic. We feel that the Quality Action offers us a great opportunity to upscale our efforts.

Further information about the EU Health Programme from DG SANCO can be found here.

This website is part of the Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (Quality Action), which has received funding from the European Union within the framework of the Health Programme.

For further information about Quality Action, please contact us here.